Once a month my sisters and I try to get together and make some sort of craft or do something fun! This month we made advent calendars for Christmas! These turned out way cute and I hope you enjoy them.
First what you need:
2 4x4 blocks cut to be squared
1 2x4 cut 8 inches long block

sandpaper (if you have an electric sander that is super handy)
2 sponge paint brushes
mod podge
12 scrapbook paper squares 3inches x 3 inches (you can have as much variety in this as you choose)
Coordinating paper or vinyl with the words you want on the block and the following numbers: 001122345678
Step 1: Sand down your blocks to get rid of all rough edges. I highly recommend wearing safety goggles while doing this step.
Step 2: Get your paint and your blocks out. Paint 1 to 2 coats of paint on your blocks. This all depends on how dark you want your color and how much of the wood you want to show. ALLOW PAINT TO DRY BETWEEN COATS
Step 3: While the paint is drying cut out your paper.
12- 3"x3" squares
2- 1"x 7 3/4" rectangles
2- 1"x 3" rectangles
Step 4: you can either purchase vinyl numbers and letters that are pre-cut. The numbers should be no larger than 3 inches we used 1 1/2 inch tall numbers. The letters should be no larger than 1 inch, we used 3/4inches. We used a cricut to cut out our numbers and letters. You could also do this on your computer or as a freehand.
Step 5: Modpodge your squares onto the blocks. You can either paint the modpodge onto the block or the paper. Then let the modpodge dry.